Each pic has a caption below, telling what it is. Enjoy our beautiful E. Tennessee!

A patch of Wild Chives in my daughter Des' yard. They're delicious in just about any savory dish!

Tiny blue wildflowers in the grass. I don't know what they're called, but they are ubiquitous.

This is looking down a side-street in Knoxville. Our car was on a main artery called Kingston Pike (US route 11).

This is from Kingston Pike, an exit going on to I-140 in Knoxville. When the tree is leafed out, you can imagine how pretty this is!!

This picture and the one below it are of daffodils growing along the major highways. This is the intersection at Clinton Highway, going North out of Knoxville. The picture below is a hillside along Pellissippi Parkway (I-140/TN 162), another major roadway.

This picture was taken at the entrance of our "Greenway" here in Lenoir City. It roughly follows Town Creek, and goes for 1.7 miles (2.735KM) in one direction. Walking it down & back is a 3.4 mile (5.47KM) walk. I usually start at a small park at the 1/2mile point and walk down and back. Because it is up & down hill, it's quite a workout! Several pics below were taken along this Greenway.

Yes, this really is a car, embedded in the bank of Town Creek on the opposite side from the greenway walk. LOL!

Some moss growing on the North side of the path

These beautiful, blooming bushes are called Forsythia. They are very common here, and will bloom all summer.

This is either a Redbud Tree or a Red Oak. Either way, the leaf buds & new leaves are a deep maroon color. Beautiful!

Our Bradford ornamental pear tree is budding, in a week these clusters will all be little white, highly-fragranced flowers. Gorgeous Sinus Hell. LOL

This planting bed is in the Walmart parking lot. The tall bush is Holly, short one is Firebush, and flowers are Hyacinths.
Last pic... this is a pink Flowering Dogwood in the parking lot of the Loudon County Clerk's office. These grow wild here too, among the mountains!

gorgeous... I miss all that down here in FL. (I grew up in NC.)
Aww, I'm glad I live here! LoL
My mother had a dogwood in her yard and it was so beautiful. Loving that last picture.
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