Then the rains came. I grew up just 22 miles from Xenia, Ohio, and stayed 2 days in the basement when the tornadoes went through that leveled that town (in what, 1972?). Then lived 22 years in FL, just above Tampa, the lightning capital of the country. So I have lived through some storms! But this was seriously the worst wind I have ever heard. When it was over, I started to leave the house... and this sight greeted me from the front porch.

Three little bright spots: one, I can make a LOT of pearwood, handmade,

Oh and a Basil plant for my garden.
Still, it is a shame such a beautiful tree bit the dust. I have been a little sad about that. It isn't a big sadness thing like the loss of a spouse, marriage,

OK! A couple more pics! One is Veronica's feet, happily nestled in her mom-knit sox. Now that the cuff is fixed, she likes them. In fact, she had to have new sneakers to wear them with. (Just kidding, she was overdue for new sneakers. LOL)

Today Des said she thinks I might be on the cutting-edge of weird. What in the world might prompt a good daughter to say something like that to her mother?
Last night I was counting stitches in a knitting project that Diantha is doing. I needed a marker in the middle of a dpn, and instead of slipping the stitches off the needle to the marker point, I took out my left earring (a handmade sterling and garnet with a hook on the back for the wire) and slipped it on the needle and hooked it. I might add that I have my left ear pierced twice, and in the extra hole I had a long, turquoise and sterling earring that I lost the mate of last week.

I promptly forgot about it and went out today, looking like this:
Des said, "You know, Mom, most people would have switched that top turquoise earring to the other side, so they had a pair and an extra." So I told her I never much cared for doing things the way Most People do them. LOL!
I got a special order yarn done after our errands today, and made homemade pizzas for dinner. But I did NOT get more knitting done, or the carding done that I needed to do, or folding laundry. On the other hand, I am not asleep yet!
Sorry about your beautiful trees! I'm so glad that you are all safe and sound. I don't miss those mid-west storms at all!!
Congrats on your Mother's Day trees though. I think that's a great Mom's gift.
Sorry about that tree - aside from knitting needles, another idea is to make pencil holders. My mom did that with some old pear branches from my granddad's yard. She cut them into about 2 or 3 inch slices, drilled 5 or 6 pencil-sized holes into the top of it, and carved a little description into the bottom. Now my mom's gone, but I have 3 or 4 of these little holders and I love them!
A friend of mine wants 3" wide by 1/2" thick slices to make artistic spindles! Great ideas. Pearwood is wonderful, semi-hard and nice grain.
Nikki, I've been trying to access Desiree's blog and each time, it loads Windows Internet Explorer and loads her page over and over again until it locks up my computer. Can't open it without it happening. Has anyone else had this problem? I can read other blogs fine. Have to reboot after getting 100% CPU usage w/Des's. :( If you can, pls. reply to LeeoftheWind (at) AOL.com. Thanks so much!!!! Lee
Wanted to tell you how saddened I was by the loss of your tree. Only someone who's watched them grow and thrive can understand the immensity of their loss. Is the bark still pliable enough to cut 2" lengths of and slit it to remove it in one piece? If so, removing, drying and gluing the slit would make beautiful napkin rings from the bark, with or without adornment. Might be a good project for the kids. Hugs, Lee
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