Friday, March 6, 2009

Lotsa Pics

Not a lot of words. Today we got a bunch of quilt blocks done, though I am still one behind for the week. So here are Diantha's for yesterday, mine for today, and mine for ? the 3rd? LoL. The block for today was called Crazy Anne, but I am doing mine for 2 challenges: the Bumbling Bounty Hunters Mini Quilt Challenge, and the N2quilting Initial Challenge. My colors: Lemon, Lime, Red, Raspberry, Royal Purple, Robin's Egg Blue... and my character right now: Edna Mazur, who is a little crazy. So I guess you could say my block is Crazy Edna! PostScript: WOW, I didn't realize HOW crazy that block looked with all the stripes not matching up! I was just glad to get them all running the same way! I have decided to make another one, with a different fabric as the background. ACK!

I had a terrible headache today. Taking pain reliever didn't help, neither did eating something, drinking water, taking a walk, drinking a Mountain Dew, or just about anything else. But the temp was in the mid-60s today so in early evening I took a motorcycle ride. On the way back home, I realized my headache was completely gone! Thank God!

But my left kidney is really hurting. Shoulda known it was coming. ~~ sigh ~~

I am working on a secret something for my HeartFeltFun Boutique at Etsy. Here are a couple sneak peaks. DON'T PANIC... that really is NOT pubic hair (or chest hair either, though my dh asked...)

Oh and I got TWO Treasuries at Etsy today, one in the Main Treasury, called Stellar Skirmishes... all about Star Wars. One in Treasury West, called Keep On Givin'! AND, if that weren't enough, two other Etsians used items from my HeartFeltFun Boutique in their treasuries too! Calming the Storm and My 8th Rainbow. Be sure to visit the curator's shops for some beautiful, one of a kind items too!

1 comment:

Desiree said...

I'm not leaving a comment.