I was in this challenge swap, where each participant had to submit 2 colors they loved and one color they hated... choose a season that is their favorite, and a style of quilt they DISliked most (art, traditional, applique, etc). Then each person in the swap was assigned another (secret) person and notified of their choices above. We were to make a mini quilt (max. 24'"x 24" square) in ONE of their two favorite color choices and with a theme of their favorite season, and within a type of quilt category that wasn't what they didn't like. In other words, if the person I was assigned to loved green and winter and hated applique quilts, I could make a mini quilt in shades of green with a winter theme in any type of quilt besides applique. We had to mail the quilt off to this secret person NOT BEFORE Feb. 22 and not later than March 30.
So I got right busy and made a wonderful quilt in traditional blocks in a Fall theme in the base color Orange (or variations thereof, like brown being the darkest orange and pale yellow-orange being the lightest). I posted pics of the components on my blog before. I made a Tree of Life center, with setting corners of light oranges on top and earthy oranges at the bottom (like sunrise and dirt, LoL) in strip-pieces, and a bunch of Flying Geese to go up the left side and down the right. I finished all these components by about the first of February.

Since it was too early to mail, I put the quilt top away. And lost it.
Des tells me last week that it had to be mailed by Saturday. PANIC. I cleaned house, cleaned out stash drawers, pawed through piles of fabric and boxes of yarn and fiber (just in case). Never found it. So yesterday when everyone was here for Diantha's birthday party, Des helped me cut out squares for a Split 9 Patch. You make 9-patches and cut them in 1/4ths and reassemble them. I put the quilt together last night and quilted it this morning, with variegated thread.

From the front, it looks like a drunk put this together and quilted it with a treadle machine in the back of a dark alley. Gotta be the worst quilt I have ever made. I mailed it anyway. When I got in the computer to get the lady's address, I noticed that the mail date isn't til March 30. By then I could have found the original quilt top, or made something better. But I mailed it anyway. Now I am The Horrible Quilter. Wish I hadn't been required to sign my name.

On a little happier note, I got a main Treasury last night, actually obscenely early this morning, called Absinthe Makes the Heart Grow... fonder.Or is it more forgetful? which is doing pretty well in the FP race. To your left you will see a screen shot.

Mid-morning today, from my other shop, I got a Treasury West in honor of Diantha. It will expire on Wed., which is her 14th birthday. She loves orange and purple and avant-garde type items, and her name means "Flower of God," which is what I named this treasury. Here on the right is a screen-shot of it.
I didn't do a quilt block-a-day today, since sandwiching and quilting badly and binding and washing an entire quilt, even if it was only 24" x 24", was all I could take.
I did start a knitting project today, which I thought was going to be a set of fingerless mitts. As I cast it on, it decided to be something entirely different. I mean WAY off the different scale.

Right after I rip out these 4 rows. Here is a sneak peek. And that is all you get (LoL).
I hope that this is really more of a rant than a true reflection of how bad you think your mini quilt is. I would have been understanding had you contacted me and told me you needed another week or so. I like to stress communication and quality. To openly discuss how bad the quilt is that you sent to another swapper (when she will likely read this) is not so great. The recipient will think she's not received what she is worthy of getting.
...just my humble opinion
Don't worry, I saw the quilt and it is great. Mom just *hates* orange. And having to remake a quilt in a matter of hours to replace one that took *days* to make originally makes this quilt, in her head, a poor substitute for all the work she did on the other.
Since this is a personal blog I don't think whoever gets the quilt will be offended at its maker ranting a little about a frustration and this quilt is as good as the others that I have seen in the flickr pool, so no worries.
OK as an outsider, first the post did not sound to me like the quilt was not a good quilt just done a little quicker and not exactaly what she had choosen. Seconed I am glad I'm not part of that group if that is how the person in charge is gonna treat people. A simple private email would have done. Her comment sounded not so nice. Just my opinion. The quilt is beautiful in my opinion. Looks like it was done with love. And your a good quilter Nikki I just think you dont give yourself enough credit where credit is due. Huggs and God Bless Marion
Nikki, it sounds like you're being your own judge on that quilt. Art isn't the artist's personal opinion, silly. It's the piece itself. I think your piece is quite pretty! It's great to be pleased with your own work, but more important that it be fetching. Yours is, so stop fretting! You didn't bomb Pearl Harbor!!
I got my qulit today! I LOVE IT!!!!!! its in my favorite colors and I love disappearing nine patch! you did a great job on the machine quilting. you done good kiddo and I will be posting on my blog on your great work! quit beating yourself up woman! thank you, thank you, thnak you!
(mauh) Liz
proud owner of a wonderful mini quilt to be hung on my wall ASAP
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